Visit of Dr R. Jockers and Dr E. Cecon to Brazil in September 2023

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eq-jockers-brazil-2 Visite de la maison du CNRS à l'Université de Sao Paolo et 55ème congrès SBFTE

Visit of Dr R. Jockers and Dr E. Cecon to Brazil in September 2023

Visit of Pr Celia Garcia (USP, Brazil), Dr Erika Cecon and Dr Ralf Jockers (Institut Cochin) at the brand-new « Maison du CNRS » at the University of Sao Paolo (USP)

R. Jockers speaks at the French-USP week (Sep 22, 2023) at the Pharmacy Department of the University of Sao Paulo

E. Cecon organized a session on « Energy transfer-based technologies to characterize receptor functions » at the 55th annual  SBFTE meeting